Creating healthy communities
Citizens Advice understands that radical change lies ahead as Greater Manchester takes charge of health and social care with an unprecedented devolution of powers and budgets. We support the ambition to deliver the fastest possible improvement to the health and wellbeing of 2.8 million people across the city region. Our advice focuses on diagnosing need and signposting people to relevant service, helping to reduce reliance on GPs and other health services. Around 20% of all GP time is taken up by non-medical matters. Research by the Money Advice Service found that one in two people seeking debt advice also have a diagnosed mental health condition.
Encouraging early intervention for physical and mental health conditions improves long-term health outcomes. Around 45% of people we offer advice to have a long-term condition, and more than a quarter have mental health problems or learning difficulties. We are also addressing long-term health challenges by working with young families and in schools to advise on the skills and support available to give children a healthy start in life. Citizens Advice can play a key role in helping people understand health reforms in the region. We have the infrastructure and data to connect with parts of the community that are often the hardest to reach